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School: How We Do It When He’s Not Filming

April 27, 2020 No Comments

We always get lots of questions about Jack’s education. How we do it, how it’s changed over time, how it works on set, what curriculum we use, etc., etc.

Jack’s schooling has definitely evolved over time. It’s been a learning curve, for sure. I am a former teacher (elementary and middle), so I am grateful to have that as a background.

When Jack first began auditioning it was Pilot Season. And Pilot Season is in LA. Jack was in Kindergarten, and it was our first foray into homeschooling.

After speaking with his teacher, the school, and studying his options, we ended up withdrawing him from school for two months. This really is your only option for public school; too many absences and they are marked as truant. And it looks bad for the school so they aren’t eager to accommodate that. We were really fortunate that our school and teacher supported us and made it as easy as possible. They did not have to do that. Because my husband and I were flying back and forth (thank you frequent flier miles) we would stop at his school, pick up a manila envelope with all this school for the next two weeks, and drop off the work he completed. Jack’s teacher really wanted him to be able to keep up with his class, which we greatly appreciated.

This worked for two years (and two pilot seasons). However, in March 2016 Jack booked the pilot for The Mick. It was actually picked up for series and began shooting in September of that year. Which meant that he would not be able to return to his school as long as it was on air. I enrolled Jack as a homeschooling student and began searching my options.

I ended up using a California public charter that supports distance learning. In other words, he would not be in a brick or mortar classroom but would be learning under the umbrella of a public school. Under California’s requirements, Jack has an EF (Educational Facilitator) who guides and supports him, helps us pick out curriculum, learning strategies, and makes sure he is learning at a good pace. This is done with meetings about every six weeks for a “Learning Period,” and work samples which are collected for each of these time periods. It’s been a great experience for us so far. I am able to pick out Jack’s curriculum which I have really appreciated. Our EF will give us some great suggestions and feedback, which has really helped the process. Last year we switched math curriculums as his previous one just didn’t fit his learning style.

Right now he is using regular textbooks, chapter books and paper to homeschool with the exception of his math curriculum which is online. Next year he will technically begin middle school (how is that possible!) so I’m trying to decide if online school is a good option for him.

When filming on The Mick ended after two years, we decided to keep homeschooling. This made it easier for auditions and jobs. I do like being able to guide his education, even though I DEFINITELY have more than a few mornings where I would much rather someone else teach him. As I have often said, yes, I’m a former teacher. I would way rather teach your child than mine.

There are pros and cons with every schooling situation, and we are no exception. It can be hard to find other kids for him to play with, and I know he misses that. But it hasn’t been a big enough drawback for him to stop acting. We have always let him know that if he isn’t enjoying it anymore and wants to stop, we are on board with him.

So that’s pretty much the rundown on how Jack schools when he is home. Anything else you’d like to know?

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